Affordable and Accessible Housing

  • Expand and protect tenants’ rights, including passing the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA)

  • Invest City resources to build new affordable housing for our community, and convert existing market housing into affordable, social, and cooperative housing

  • Remove barriers to building dense, multifamily housing near transit and along commercial corridors like San Pablo and University

  • Advance solutions to homelessness that prioritize housing, services, and care

  • Prioritize social programs that reduce and prevent crime, such as youth programs, mental health support, and crisis response groups 

  • Invest in pedestrian and civilian street and traffic safety measures

  • Institute common-sense public health measures to prevent the spread of disease and make our community accessible for older and disabled residents, including requiring and providing effective PPE in healthcare facilities

  • Strengthen the power and independence of our Police Accountability Board

Public Safety

Accountable and Respectful Leadership

  • Regularly attend ALL City Council Meetings and Committee Meetings

  • Regularly and punctually respond to constituent concerns and questions

  • Engage in disagreement, not dismiss and insult those with whom we disagree

  • Meet and engage with constituency groups, advocates and unions

Investing in Our Community

  • Maintain and increase our general fund investment in streets, sidewalks, and bike and pedestrian infrastructure

  • Bring back the health of our Marina, and protecting the natural and recreational resources from overcommercialization

  • Support small and local businesses along San Pablo, University, and throughout District 2

Climate Mitigation and Resilience

  • Develop climate-resilient infrastructure using nature-based solutions, including public and accessible urban green spaces 

  • Ensure a Just Transition for all residents as we reduce greenhouse gas emissions and progress to renewable energy, providing low-income residents with affordable energy solutions

  • Implement an electric bicycle scheme for Berkeley’s low-income residents 

  • Expedite the transition to a zero-emission City vehicle fleet

Fair Labor Practices & Working Families

  • Invest in enforcing local labor laws

  • Support workers organizing and unionizing in our community

  • Support the development of workers cooperatives with grants and low/no interest loans

Progressive Berkeley Values

  • Uphold Berkeley’s long history of advocating for human rights around the world, including supporting a Ceasefire in Gaza

  • Defend local democratic engagement, like public comment and our citizen commissions

  • Increase transparency and civic engagement in the City’s budget process